Diagnosing and treating for Oak Wilt
Call (817) 502-9402 We have been treating for Oak Wilt in Fort Worth, TX for over 20 years
Oak Wilt is a vascular tree disease
Oak Wilt is a killer vascular tree disease! Decimating hundred of acres of live oak trees every year. |
We can help you treat for Oak Wilt fungal tree disease in Fort Worth
Keep in mind that the leaves on a tree are one of the best way to tell the health of a tree. Just like a person's skin, hair, and nails could be indicators that he or she is sick. In the same way the leaves on a tree are the best way to tell if there's a problem with the trees health.Live Oak trees have an oval shape leaf with veins in the middle of the leaf going from side to side. They almost look like a tree shape within the leaf itself. On a healthy live oak there should not be any discoloring within the leaf other than a solid green on one side and the lighter green color on the opposite side.
When inspecting your Live Oak keep this in mind, Live Oaks stay green through out the winter and don't start to shed until the end of that season going into the spring. At this point you will start seeing several live oak leaves start to turn brown and falling from the tree. The Live Oak will start look like their sick because all the other trees are in their spring time.
Please don't worry, this is very normal. Also remember that not all Live Oaks shed at the exact time so you might have several Live Oak trees shed weeks apart. This is also very common and you should not be alarmed.
What you should be alarmed about is leaves starting to turn a yellowy, brown color from the center of the leaf the vain itself any time from May - December. This could be a dead give away that the tree could have a problem with disease. At this point, you should call a professional Arborist so lab work can be done on your tree and analyze the problem.
This could be a sign of Oak Wilt disease. A vascular system disease that is almost every time a killer. Treatment with Alamo Fungicide blue liquefied chemical will help but, once a live oak his Oak Wilt it will eventually die from the disease.
Remember that Live Oaks are very social trees, what we mean by this is that if you have other trees close to them especially other Live Oaks, they will inter-tangle their roots together with the others. This could be a major problem because if one gets effect with Oak Wilt all your trees could be infected with the disease. Diagnosis and treatment is essential at this point.
Oak Wilt on Live Oaks will normally kill the tree with in 1-6 months of being infected!
Call (817) 502-9402 More on Oak Wilt Diagnosing
Red Oaks Trees and Oak Wilt
The difference between contamination of the Red Oaks vs. Live Oaks trees is very different read the following.
Red Oaks: Will almost every-time die from Oak Wilt. In addition transmit oak wilt through the land contamination and normally will need a host to carry the disease to another tree. It has been proven that when a red oak produces fungal spores, they let off a fruity scent that attracts all kinds of bugs and insects. One of these bugs is the sap-feeding nitidulid beetles in the picture above.
If this beetle gets infected and moves on to another tree that has bark missing in a particular area, it will contaminate the other tree with the fungal. That's why pruning trees in late winter is best to give the tree time to seal and dry in the cut areas before spring and summer when these beetles are present.
Another way Oak Wilt is transmitted is through man by cutting of contaminated wood and placing it in areas where other red oak exist. When Cutting wood inspect it first before transporting it to your desired location.
Call (817) 502-9402 Oak Wilt Treatment
Best way to treat for Oak Wilt
Tree Service Fort Worth has been using the same protocol in treating for oak Wilt for the past 20 years. Treatment with trunk injections either:
- Tebuconazole - Mauget
- Propizol Propiconazole - arborjet
- Propiconazole - Alamo
Alamo Propiconazole is our first choice for the treating of Oak Wilt. Remember that backhole trenching is as important as the fungicide treatment for the control of Oak Wilt. Severing the root system of contaminated trees will help holt the spread of the Oak Wilt Fungus onto other healthy trees. Cutting down of dead trees should be down in the winter when the fungus is harder to spread. In addition all cut Oak Wilt wood should be hauled off the property.
Saving Sick Trees In All Seasons
Best results for Oak Wilt Treatment Fort Worth, TX
If you are looking for a quality tree doctor Fort Worth shrub arbor care company with years of servicing Tarrant county. Please call us today at 817-502-9402 for your FREE Oak Wilt Tree Evaluation.
For all your safe tree pest control treatments organic and synthetic please call us today 817-502-9402. We will find the right solution to get rid of those pests from your trees and landscape.