Fort Worth Tree Disease, Sick Tree Treatment Company
Call (817) 502-9402 we have experienced Tree Arborist ready
to diagnose your unhealthy declining trees.
Tree disease and sick trees can happen without warning. If you have notice your trees changing color before the autumn season it's time to call a certified Arborist to evaluate for insect borer beetles and tree disease. Our Fort Worth, TX tree doctoring team is ready to help you in all season!
Do you have sick trees or diseased looking trees?
Have you noticed your trees losing their beauty? Bark looking black or white in areas? Leafs turning a yellowy color before fall? We train our clients to spot tree disease on their plantation. Our Arborist team has the right knowlage when it comes to unhealthy shrubs and trees. |
Call (817) 502-9402 Identifying tree disease for the past 20 years .
Identifying tree foliar systems on the leafs is very important! This is where you will be able to first tell there is a problem or disease and should be diagnosed before it becomes a major tree or shrub health issue and results in the decline or death of the tree.
Tree sickness can be treated be using systemic tree feeding, systematic deep root feeding, and tree injections if caught early. Tree service Fort Worth would like to help you spot problems and educate you on what to do.
We offer many solutions to treating Oak trees, Post Oaks, Live Oaks, Bur Oaks, Elm trees, Bradford pair trees, Red Oak trees, Cedar Elm trees, Baldcypress trees, Anacua trees, White Ash trees, just to include a few of the common sick trees we treat for decline.
All of these trees can come under disease that fall under three declining categories: Infectious, non-infectious and insect infestation.
- Infectious - will be fungal and bacteria related tree decline
- Non- Infectious - will relate too nutrient deficiency
- Pest tree decline - Insect related beetle borers
Having a trained eye to sick declining trees is important due to the fact that most signs of tree decline can seem to be the same symptoms.
In Fort Worth here are just a few common tree disease on sick trees
- Bacterial Leaf Scorch
- Tree Leaf Spot
- Fire Blight
- Post Oak Deline
Call (817) 502-9402 Identifying tree disease and treat sick unhealthy trees
If you notice during any season that the tree has developed fungal spores on the bark, you definitely have a problem and it could very well be Oak wilt. You will have to inspect your trees frequently, in Red Oaks, sometimes the Fungal is hidden behind the bark so a close inspection will be needed. Normally fungal spores will have a fruity smell to them.
INFECTION and Contamination of oak wilt
Red Oaks: transmit oak wilt through the land contamination and normally will need a host to carry the disease to another tree. It has been proven that when a red oak produces fungal spores, they let off a fruity scent that attracts all kinds of bugs and insects. One of these bugs is the sap-feeding nitidulid beetles in the picture above.
If this beetle gets infected and moves on to another tree that has bark missing in a particular area, it will contaminate the other tree with the fungal. That's why pruning trees in late winter is best to give the tree time to seal and dry in the cut areas before spring and summer when these beetles are present.
Another way Oak Wilt is transmitted is through man by cutting of contaminated wood and placing it in areas where other red oak exist. When Cutting wood inspect it first before transporting it to your desired location.
All pictures on this page provided by: great source for information on Texas Oak Wilt.