The cause of Fire Blight Disease? Beautiful ornamental pear trees grace the yards and landscapes of Fort Worth residents. There are many popular flowering varieties including the Bradford pear, Redspire, Trinity, Autumn Blaze, Aristocrat, Capital, and Chanticleer pear. Since the visible effect of fire blight on pear trees can be drastically negative, it's of great importance to work with an experienced plant pathologist and arbor care professional.
Fire Blight Treatment for Ornamental Pear Trees in Fort Worth, TX. Call (817) 502-9402.
Fire blight is triggered by bacteria that is easily spread by rain and insects. The bacteria survive the winter months by residing in cankers and damaged spots on the tree trunk and branches. In early spring, fire blight bacteria forms a milky secretion from the damaged areas of the tree which then attracts insects and begins to infect young, new twig growth and the tree's leaves. Infected twigs gradually curl and wilt, ultimately turning into black, hooked ends. Leaves become unsightly with brown and black spots and eventually shrivel. Finally, dark, deep sores encircle the branches and the diseased branch dies.
Diagnosing Fire Blight on Ornamental Trees
Since the spring season in Fort Worth is wet and rainy with temperatures rapidly increasing, do not hesitate to take action if your pear tree is beginning to show signs of fire blight in Fort Worth Tx! This disease spreads the most rapidly and increases in severity on trees with damaged bark and open cankers during the spring when flowers first begin to appear and blossom. Diagnosing and treatment can eventually lead to the death of the tree. Although there is no single method of treating and eliminating fire blight from trees, it is of the utmost importance to contact an experienced tree company in Fort Worth and consult with a certified Arborist who will officially test and diagnose the suspected tree. A professional tree Arborist is familiar with Fort Worth climate and soil quality and will customize a maintenance and treatment plan to ensure that your tree not only survives but thrives!
Fire Blight Treatment in Fort Worth, TX.
The best approach in preventing the fire blight bacteria from infecting your pear tree and controlling the spread of fire blight on trees that have suffered exposure is to employ the expertise of a Fort Worth arborist who treats sick trees. An experienced tree expert will not only care for trees that have exhibited obvious symptoms during previous seasons but will also develop a protection plan for high-value trees in the vicinity of those that have already been infected. Pruning maintenance with disinfected pruning shears may be advised by the specialist. Trim infected branches during the dormant winter months and trim at least twelve inches past the obvious damage during the spring growing season. Chemical treatment administered by trunk injections or spray application may also be advised in combination with pruning maintenance. Most chemical treatments are reapplied annually and a Fort Worth tree service will provide you with a one year warranty on any treatment. Majestic, flowering pear trees are highlights of your landscape and outdoor environment and deserve the best professional care!