Call (817) 502-9402 Helping you with your post oak decline
we help save sick trees in Fort Worth, TX.
What is Oak Tree Decline
Oak Tree decline can happen for many different reasons in Fort Worth and North Texas its normally contributed to extreme weather changes. Most Oaks can suffer from oak tree decline after a severe drought or heavy rainy season.
This destructive tree disease spreads rapidly in lush, forested areas and is most fond of cool, damp climate conditions. Many nurseries maintain a cooler, damp environment that has further invited the spread of sudden oak death.
In addition, it is most likely to spread quickly to home landscapes and gardens during rainy seasons. The greatest visible effect of this invasive and dangerous organism is on the small twigs and leaves of infected plants in nursery settings and urban forested areas.
A certified Fort Worth arborist and experienced tree company are expertly trained in the prevention and control of this threatening, oak tree decline deadly disease.
Diagnosing Sudden Oak Tree death & Decline
Contracting a Certified tree Doctor in Fort Worth, TX is imperative to detecting Sudden Oak Tree Death and Decline This tree disease can be deadly and highly contaminating to the rest of your oaks trees if feeder roots are connecting. Sudden oak death easily victimizes mostly Post Oak trees from central to northern Texas. it can at time affect other oak trees like red oaks, live oaks, bur oaks, white and red oak families.
However her in north Texas it normally affects Savannah post oaks. It affects the oak trees in many cases by clogging the feeder root system and shutting down the transport of water and nurturance up the tree's canopy.
Oak trees that are weaken can happen due to many factors. Such as weather that brings on an insect, fungal, bacterial, pathogens, or construction root damage will in most cases succumb to sudden oak death. Spotted leaves or dying twigs branches are visible signs indicating that tree might be stressed and host to the disease.
Mild signs of infection such as these usually do not result in immediate tree death. Any leaf spot disease like Tubekia Drynia, anthracnose or other should be picked up off the ground and not mulched. This will avoid re-contamination of fungal in next years life cycle. An experienced Fort Worth plant pathologist will easily identify these minor, beginning indications of Sudden oak death.
In contrast, trees with obvious dark, dead sections of bark along the branches or primary trunk are in serious jeopardy of death, as these tree cankers further weaken the tree's defense system making the tree susceptible to additional fungal organisms and insect attacks.
An offensive approach by working with a tree doctor is your guarantee that the trees in question will be correctly diagnosed and the best expert care will be provided.
Treatment for Sudden Oak Decline
Tree Service Fort Worth has certified Arborist to help diagnose you post oak trees. The best advice Authorities at Texas A&M plant Pathology recommend on post oak trees that have defoliated before October.
Is to wait until the spring to see if they foliate. Important however to keep this in mind' while waiting till the spring. Keep your eye on the bark system for Hypoxylon Canker fungal matts those trees should be cut down immediately.
The best approach to battling this aggressive tree infection is to entrust your tree's care to a highly experienced Fort Worth tree company and certified arborist business.
Preventative measures may be taken with oak trees by using Agri-Fos which is administered to the tree with trunk injections applied in spring or fall and maintained regularly with bi-annual treatments.
Although this is not a cure, it best protects your trees and prohibits them from contracting sudden oak death and prevents the disease from spreading if an arborist that treats sick trees is contacted for professional diagnosis in the early stages.
Saving Sick Trees In All Seasons
Safe Tree Treatments for Hypoxylon Canker
If you are looking for a quality tree tree health Fort Worth shrub arbor care company with years of servicing Fort Worth and Tarrant County. Please call us today at 817-502-9402 for your FREE Tree Evaluation. Tree Service Fort Worth
For all your safe tree pest control treatments organic and synthetic please call us today 817-502-9402. We will find the right solution to get rid of those pests from your trees and landscape.